For the purpose of permanent residence in Denmark, a residence permit is most often granted to refugees or people reuniting with a family already residing in Denmark. Initially, a residence permit is granted for a period of one year (temporary), which can be extended for a longer period while maintaining the conditions under which the initial permit was obtained.

Step 1
You can apply for a permanent residence permit in Denmark only after having been continuously resided in Denmark for several years. When considering a candidate's application for a residence permit, immigration services take into account the following factors: availability of housing, work, level of language proficiency; the presence (or absence) of debt to social and tax authorities, as well as prosecution by law enforcement agencies for criminal offenses.
Step 2
To obtain a residence permit, the applicant must submit the following documents to the embassy.
1. Document proving the purpose of stay in Denmark. This can be, for example, a letter from an educational institution, which confirms enrollment in the student lists.
Step 3
2. An international passport, which expires in 3 months (not earlier) after the expiry of the previously issued residence permit.
Step 4
3. A copy of the foreign passport (all pages, each page - on a separate sheet of A-4 format).
Step 5
4. Completed in English in duplicate and signed by the applicant personally application form for a residence permit. It is not allowed to skip questions in the questionnaire - all fields must be filled in. When applying for a residence permit in the event of family reunification, you must fill out a special application form and annex to it, also answering all the questions.
Step 6
5. Three photographs (color) of the size of 3, 5x 4, 5 cm of the applicant in full face, meeting the necessary requirements:
- photographs must be printed on matte photographic paper, and shooting must be performed on a light blue background;
- the image of the applicant in the photograph must necessarily correspond to his real age, and the space occupied by the face in the photograph in height must be at least 2.5 cm;
- photographs must be glued into the completed copies of the questionnaire using the glue method. The third photo must be attached along with the rest of the documents.
Step 7
6. Consular fee. The exact amount should be clarified with the embassy at the time of contact.