In the event that a lawsuit has been filed against you in court, but you do not agree with it, you have the opportunity to write a review. This is the document that sets out your objections to the charge.

documents relevant to the case
Step 1
The response to the claim must be made in writing. In the upper right corner, write the name of the court to which this document will be sent. Then write the number of the case in question and which document this review goes to.
Step 2
In this document sent to the court, indicate the details of the plaintiff and his location. Also include the name of the defendant and its location.
Step 3
Below write in the middle of the sheet the name of this document - "Review".
Step 4
Next, state your objections, which relate to the arguments of the plaintiff. All your arguments should be based only on those things and circumstances that are directly related to the subject of the dispute.
Step 5
Be sure to refer to the rules of procedural and substantive law in your review. Use evidence from jurisprudence that has already occurred in the same category as your pending case. Do not under any circumstances apply emotional coloring to the document you are composing. All facts should be stated clearly, concisely and without unnecessary information that has nothing to do with the solution of this issue.
Step 6
Refer to the documents that have already been considered in the solution of this issue and are available in the materials of the court case. It is necessary to accurately indicate all their details. You can also rely on documents that are not yet in the materials of the court case. But in this case, you will need to attach them to this response to the claim and make a list of all these papers.
Step 7
List all your contacts. This can be an email address, cell phone and work phone. It is necessary to draw up a review in triplicate. One goes to court, the other to the plaintiff, the third remains with you. If you personally submit documents to the court and to the plaintiff, then your copy should be marked with a receipt.