If you are a citizen of Kazakhstan, then you will not have any special problems when applying for Russian citizenship. Subject to certain conditions, you will be able to obtain citizenship at any of the Russian consulates.

Step 1
Receive from the migration police of Kazakhstan a sheet of departure to the territory of Russia and a migration card.
Step 2
Contact the Russian Consulate in Kazakhstan. You can obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner (without obtaining a residence permit) if you:
- lived on the territory of the RSFSR until 1991-21-12;
- have a high professional status of interest to Russia or have a diploma from a university or secondary specialized educational institution located on the territory of the former RSFSR;
- have close relatives living in the territory of the Russian Federation;
- you wish to restore the citizenship of the Russian Federation.
Step 3
Submit a certain package of documents for obtaining Russian citizenship, namely:
- application form (in 2 copies);
- passport (or apostille);
- a certified copy of the birth certificate or apostille;
- a certified copy of marriage or divorce certificates or apostille;
- extracts from the house book (confirming the registration and / or the fact of your residence in the RSFSR until 12.21.1991);
- a certified copy of the departure sheet for the territory of Russia;
- certified copies of the migration card;
- 3 photos 3, 5 × 4, 5 mm.
You will need to attach to these documents an obligation to renounce Kazakhstan citizenship.
Step 4
If you have special services to Russia, apply with an official application addressed to the President of the Russian Federation for obtaining citizenship in a simplified manner.
Step 5
If you served under a contract on the territory of the Russian Federation, present, along with the rest of the documents, the original application of the military district so that the procedure for acquiring citizenship by you would be simplified.
Step 6
If you do not belong to any of the above categories of citizens, you will not be able to obtain Russian citizenship while on the territory of Kazakhstan.