Sometimes even those state structures that are called upon to defend the law violate it. If someone from the judiciary has abused their powers, broke the law against you, bring him to justice. The law should be the same for everyone - for ordinary citizens, for officials, and for everyone else.

Step 1
The Court strives in every possible way to preserve its legal independence. You can send a written complaint against a judge to the College of Judges and the Council of Judges. If your case is delayed, or the procedure for conducting it has been violated, the complaint will be sent to the President of the court.
Step 2
To appeal the decision of the prosecutor's office, contact a higher division (district prosecutor's office, regional prosecutor's office) with a written complaint, then - to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. You can also complain to the court about the prosecutor's office.
Step 3
Often the law, namely, the points of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings", are violated by bailiffs. You can appeal against the actions of the bailiff by submitting a written statement to the senior bailiff. If the complaint was not properly responded to or was completely ignored, you can write a complaint to the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service. Or you can send it immediately to the office of the Chief Bailiff.
Step 4
There are many sites on the Internet where people post their complaints about government officials. One of these sites is called "People's Wrath". You can post your complaint against prosecutors, bailiffs who violated federal law on this website. Complaints and negative reviews on the Internet are a fairly effective informal method of defending their civil rights and freedoms.
Step 5
Arbitrariness on the part of representatives of the judicial apparatus, as well as their inaction, must be suppressed. And a few complaints to the right authorities are not always enough. To ensure that officials do not close their eyes to your complaint, do not ignore it, make it public. Having sent an official statement to the relevant authorities, tell on the Internet (for example, on the same site "Anger of the People") about the arbitrariness of the prosecutors and bailiffs.