Every personnel officer knows how scrupulous one should be about the registration of a work book, because the information in it will form the basis for calculating pensions, unemployment benefits, social assistance, calculating insurance experience, etc. But there are often cases when a work book or an insert for it becomes unusable (burned or was torn). In this case, the employer needs to draw up an act on writing off the work book forms and give the employee a duplicate of the work book.

- - damaged work book forms (if any);
- - a duplicate of the work book;
- - the act of writing off the forms of strict reporting (in this case, the work book).
Step 1
The work book is the main document about the work activity and seniority of the employee. It is not surprising that there are a number of requirements for the design of a work book. Moreover, the blanks of the work book belong to the documents of strict reporting. The employer is obliged to keep and maintain the work book, he also issues it to the worker, who is registered for the first job for the first time.
Step 2
Until 2006, individual entrepreneurs did not have the right to keep work books of employees, but since 2006, Article 309 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation has assigned them such a duty. To record work books, the employer must keep an income and expense book for recording work book forms and a work book movement book. Responsibility for the safety and execution of the work book lies with the employer until the employee is fired and his work book is handed over to him.
Step 3
In case of incorrect registration of the work book forms or their damage, you need to draw up an appropriate act on their cancellation and destroy the forms. If the worker is not guilty of incorrect registration or damage to the work book, the cost of the damaged form is paid by the employer at his own expense.
Step 4
To draw up an act, a liquidation commission is appointed by order of the head, which includes the chief accountant, the person responsible for keeping and accounting of work books, as well as the head of the enterprise. Since the act of writing off work books is not regulated by a clear form, it can be performed in free form or on the forms of enterprise acts.
Step 5
The act must indicate the name of the organization, the name of the document, the date of its preparation, the business transaction of writing off, the number of written off work books and their cost are reflected. Also, in the act of writing off the work book, the reason for writing off and the details of the work book is indicated. The act is certified by the signature of the head and members of the commission with a description of their positions, as well as the seal of the enterprise.
Step 6
After drawing up the act on writing off the work book forms, the corresponding data is entered into the income and expense book for recording work book forms, after which the cost of the strict reporting forms (in this case, the work book) is written off from the company's account. When writing off a work book, an employee is issued a duplicate of a work book, which he uses further as a work book.