In accordance with Article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, every woman is provided with paid maternity leave for pregnancy and childbirth. Articles 256 regulate the provision of paid leave to care for a child up to one and a half years old and unpaid leave - up to three years. To receive vacation data, you must submit documents and write an application.

- -sick leave
- - an application for a vacation up to one and a half years
- -Application for the next vacation
- - an application for a vacation without pay
- - child's birth certificate
- -certificate from the father's place of work
Step 1
Maternity leave is granted upon presentation of a sick leave issued by the antenatal clinic. The number of days provided depends on how many children the woman is expecting. For singleton pregnancies and normal births, the woman is paid 70 days before delivery and 70 days after delivery. With multiple fetuses - 196 days, 86 - before delivery, 120 - after. All money is issued in total after calculating the sick leave. Payment is made based on the average earnings for 24 months.
Step 2
If a woman had a difficult childbirth or a multiple pregnancy was discovered during childbirth, then additional days are paid according to a separate sick leave after childbirth. For difficult childbirth - 14 days, for multiple pregnancies - 56 days.
Step 3
To further extend the maternity leave, you can take another leave before the maternity leave.
Step 4
Paid parental leave up to one and a half years begins immediately after the end of the maternity leave. It is provided at the request of a woman and presentation of documents, which include: a birth certificate, a certificate from the father's place of work that he does not use this leave. Payment is made monthly at the rate of 40% of the average earnings for 24 months.
Step 5
To extend parental leave, you need to submit an application addressed to the head of the company. The leave is extended until the child reaches the age of three.
Step 6
No more types of parental leave are allowed, and the time of care can be extended only if the woman has not taken the next leave. Or by agreement with the head of the enterprise on the provision of leave without pay. If the management does not agree to these conditions, then the woman will have to quit or go to work.