Currently, federal legislation is in force, according to which the length of service of the employee should be calculated in accordance with the rules for calculating the length of service. The main document for this is the work book, as well as other documents that are its confirmation.

- - an employee's work book or other document confirming the length of service;
- - the calendar;
- - calculator.
Step 1
Determine the periods of work that are included in the insurance experience in accordance with Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006. In other words, write down the start and end date of work at each enterprise on the basis of a work book, an employment contract and another document that confirms the fact of performing a job function in a particular organization. If an employee has changed his last name, first name or patronymic, he must present the document on the basis of which the change was made.
Step 2
Calculate the number of calendar days for each period of work that is included in the insurance experience. If the exact date of admission / dismissal is not specified in the supporting document, but only the year is indicated, July 1 should be taken as the actual date. When the month and year are specified, and the date is omitted for some reason, the 15th day of the month should be used for the calculation.
Step 3
Calculate the total duration of the employee's insurance experience in calendar days by adding the counted days for all periods of work.
Step 4
Highlight the number of full months of insurance experience. For a whole month, it should be taken for 30 days.
Step 5
Highlight the number of complete years. For a whole year should be taken 12 months or 360 calendar days.
Step 6
Determine the duration of the insurance experience in years, months, days. It should be borne in mind that if you are calculating the length of service of an employee to determine the temporary disability benefit, then you should include the period of his work at your enterprise from the moment of admission to the actual date of calculating the insurance experience.
Step 7
When calculating the pension, the total length of service includes the periods of work until 01.01.2002. It should include the time of study in an educational institution, as well as the time of caring for a child for 3 years, for a disabled child up to 16 years old, as well as other periods specified in the relevant legislation.