New technologies that burst into the modern world at the very end of the 20th century are creating employment opportunities for the younger generation and people interested in computer technology. A web designer is a creative profession that allows you to create a virtual world by designing customized websites on the Internet. And thematic training can be completed both in specialized universities and independently, using social networks, corporate sources, or the work of experienced specialists.

For potential job seekers, it should be understood that a web designer is a representative of a specialty akin to a designer. And the corresponding prefix "web" only indicates that the field of thematic art in this case extends exclusively to the development and design of sites on the Web.
Thus, the scope of activity here is focused on creating the original appearance of the Internet page, which is an important advertising and commercial product of its owner. For the production of such a site, focused on the visual associative image of a particular company, it is necessary to make a clear reference to the subject of its activities. And it is its bright and unique design that will increase the traffic and rating of this page.
Main goals and objectives
It is important to understand that there are three main aspects to the specifics of website designers.
Uniqueness. The originality and uniqueness of the site, excluding repetitive elements and details of the content, create optimal conditions for its functioning. Indeed, in this case, Internet users will not be confused when searching for an appropriate information platform.
To attract attention. A non-standard approach to the formation of content, which makes it possible to present the site page as a bright and memorable object, leaves the most positive impression on the visitors. In this case, the page is doomed to increased traffic, which is the goal of the project. It's important not to overdo it with intrusive and annoying graphics and ads. In this case, everything will work exactly the opposite. In addition, the oversaturation of small graphic images on the site also negatively affects the perception of information.
Reporting relevant information. In addition, how to present a site as a unique and creative information platform, it is necessary to implement in it a content-oriented component focused on thematic content. That is, the information of the site in a concise and convenient form should unobtrusively give visitors the data that are actually the reason for the creation of the site. To correctly implement this aspect, it is necessary to arrange the page in such a way that users can use the interface purely intuitively (without any separate instructions). For example, the options "contacts", "price", "general information" and other relevant data should be in easy-to-read places that do not require separate efforts to search.

There is no doubt that creating sites, as they say, "from scratch" is quite difficult. This kind of work can only be done by experienced web designers. To create a website from the very beginning, web design involves a lot of time spent and the implementation of special knowledge.
The work of these specialists in the creation of web pages begins with the formulation of a specific task and the development of technical specifications. And after that, the implementation of this clearly planned project is carried out. In addition, it is important to decide on a specific target audience, because the use of optimal graphics and a harmonious combination of color solutions directly depends on this.
Thus, in this context, it is necessary to go through several of the following steps:
- page design and interface design;
- making new HTML templates;
- formation of interactive tools;
- checking the finished site;
- delivery of the project to the customer.
As topical literature, you can offer the works of the following authors:
- Jacob Nielsen - "Web Design";
- Jess Garrett - "Web Design: Elements of the Interaction Experience";
- Tina Sutton - Color Harmony.
Features of the specialty
If we talk about the profession of a web designer in the context of a stable and serious income, then it must be borne in mind that the level of his remuneration directly depends on qualifications and work experience, which are confirmed by a professional portfolio as evidence of successful thematic projects in the past. In general, the cost of the sites created at the present time, subject to the high quality of work performed, ranges from 25 thousand rubles to 50 thousand rubles.

Often, web designers work as freelancers (at home). But the specifics of work in this area are quite diverse, so that the applicant can find a job in the office of the company (in advertising departments, special studios, etc.).
Web design courses today can be taught by both beginners and people with experience who want to improve their skill level. The direct responsibilities of a website design specialist include collecting initial data (including identifying the customer's wishes in the form of goals and objectives), creating page sketches and implementing the above action plan.
In addition, the website designer is obliged, as they say, to "keep his finger on the pulse." That is, he must always keep track of all technological innovations in this segment of the consumer market so that this knowledge is constantly relevant for the most difficult tasks from customers. And, of course, the qualification of web designers implies knowledge of programming languages, the most popular of which are C ++, C #, F #. Additionally, you need to master the scripting languages - JavaScript and VBS.
The most important qualities of this specialist should primarily include precisely aesthetic taste and perfectionism, attentiveness and patience, creativity and analytical thinking. Without such a "set of designer" one can hardly count on serious success in the profession.
Learning process
The myth that the profession of a web designer is associated with minimal labor costs and high wages is quickly dispelled after the applicant is faced with the learning process. The fact is that this specialty requires maximum diligence, because it needs to be given the maximum amount of time. This specificity, which provides, in the full sense of the word, "round-the-clock" sitting at the computer, is due to the fact that a situation often arises when a complex order needs to be submitted in a fairly short time.

Currently, reputable companies employ exclusively web designers with sufficient experience and qualifications. Among the state universities that provide relevant education, the following most prestigious educational institutions of the country can be noted:
- St. Petersburg State University;
- Moscow State Academy. Stroganov;
- Moscow Architectural Institute;
- St. Petersburg School of Television;
- Krasnodar School of Design.
However, today this specialty is offered to be obtained by various polytechnic universities, institutes of technology and design, and simple web design courses, which are available in almost any major city in the country. In addition, this profession can be mastered independently, based on the study of specialized literature. There is an opportunity to receive training through online courses on the Internet. However, it is important for potential designers to understand that in order to master the art of web design, it is necessary to be confident in English, since most of the thematic information is published in it.
Advantages and disadvantages of the profession
The indisputable positive aspects of working in the field of web design include the following indicators:
- decent wages;
- implementation of creative abilities without investment;
- the opportunity to work as a freelancer;
- all errors are easily corrected.

The negative characteristics include the following:
- you need to constantly improve your skills;
- it is difficult to change specialization;
- there is often a difficulty in communicating with a client who finds it difficult to justify the best decision;
- the possibility of a different approach to project implementation by the customer and the contractor.
Despite the complexity of work as a web designer, which is associated with the design of the site's content, including the placement of graphic elements, banners, logos, navigation, this profession is currently quite in demand among creative people who are ready to devote themselves to their favorite business completely.