Any citizen can become a judge, but the requirements for those wishing to devote themselves to this profession are the most stringent. It is necessary not only to have comprehensive knowledge in the field of jurisprudence, but also to have an impeccable reputation. The last requirement applies not only to the applicant for the judicial office, but also to all members of his family.

Step 1
Get a law degree. Please note that a bachelor's degree will not be enough to work as a judge; you will need a higher degree. In addition, it is better to study at a public university with a good reputation, and not in one of the many commercial institutions.
Step 2
Get work experience in any legal profession. In order to receive a judge's robe, such experience must be at least five years. To gain professional experience, you can get a job as a court clerk, and then as an assistant judge. Thus, two tasks are solved at once: you will see the work of the court from the inside, having familiarized yourself with all sorts of nuances, and you will recommend yourself from the best side among more experienced colleagues, including judges. The required five-year experience should be obtained even at the stage of study at the university, since you can become a judge from the age of 25. By completing the first two points at the same time, by this age you will already have both education and experience.
Step 3
Get a medical examination. The work of a judge takes a lot of energy and nerves, so health should be in complete order. If during the examination you are not found to have diseases included in a special list of more than three dozen names, then you are suitable for the judicial profession.
Step 4
Take a qualifying exam. The questions that will have to be answered in the exam cover all areas of judicial law, so a lawyer with a narrow specialization will have to brush up on a lot of what was told at the university. This must be done with great care, since the cost of a mistake is very high: even one wrong answer means failure. In addition to the questions, the qualifying exam will also have to face practical tasks that require attention to even the smallest detail.
Step 5
Find a vacancy for a judge and apply for participation in the competition, as a result of which one of the applicants will be in the judge's chair.