Working in a bank does not imply rapid growth in position and salary, but every year graduates of prestigious universities try to get a job in banks. With the patience and commitment at work, a career in a bank can be impressive. But to become a high-level banking specialist, you will have to start small: with the positions of clerks, call center workers, etc.

Step 1
It is quite difficult to go to work in a bank from a company, since all positions, as a rule, require employees with experience in the banking sector. Therefore, it is better to immediately start your career with a job in a bank, albeit as low-prestige and exhausting as a clerk or a call center employee. But these positions are usually hired with almost any education. If you like working in a bank, then you will be able to get financial education in the future - on the job (like a second higher education, for example). In addition, well-known banks often conduct summer internships, which are quite possible to get into. During the internship, you will be able to assess whether banking is right for you.
Step 2
Employees usually work in entry-level positions for one or two years. Then, with due diligence, they are transferred to more responsible positions. This initial stage itself is very important, since this is the first experience of working in a bank, the first knowledge and skills. If work in one bank seems unpromising, you don't like it, then with this experience you can already find a job in another bank - for the next position.
Step 3
Your further career in the bank depends on the department in which you work. As a rule, the most difficult thing is to go through the initial stage. Working in a bank has its own specifics, and many banks understand this, offering their employees corporate training. You should not give it up: this is both useful knowledge and a demonstration of your ambitions. English language courses are of particular importance, since good knowledge of English is required in high positions.
Step 4
Working at a bank can suddenly seem overly monotonous and annoying. There is a certain monotony in it, but one should not forget that there are quite a few areas in the banking business, and often there is an opportunity to move from one area to another. For example, the same bank issues loans and advises on investments. Having become a specialist in one area, you might think about moving to another.
Step 5
The higher the position, the longer the bank employee works. Top managers of banks can work 80-100 hours a week. Choosing a career in a bank, you should be ready to work in a rhythm at the age of 35-40. However, the remuneration is likely to justify the labor costs.