If climbing the career ladder is in the first place on your list of desires (with the corresponding bonuses in the form of a good salary, etc.), you should strive for this from school. As a rule, specialists with a good education are hired for leadership positions, therefore, in order to rush to the top, you first need to obtain the necessary theoretical (and, ideally, also practical) knowledge in your profile.

Step 1
There are many ways to build a career. You can reach the position of director even if you only have a secondary specialized education. Many large companies recruit inferior personnel (salespeople, waiters, etc.) among freshmen. In such organizations, it is not difficult to climb the career ladder. The main thing is to do your duties well, express a desire to work and constantly improve yourself.
Step 2
People with an active lifestyle are noticeable from afar. Therefore, when a good position is vacated, personnel officers, before looking for people from outside, as a rule, try to find a replacement from “their own”. At the same time, working too well in a low position is fraught with the fact that the HR department will consider you indispensable in your place. Thus, you risk remaining a manager forever.
Step 3
Another option for a career is to study, study and study again. A good education (or better a few) will be the gateway to your adult life. At the same time, you should not think that the learning process will end there. Business never stands still, therefore, in order to navigate its most modern technologies, it is necessary to attend special courses, trainings, seminars and improve in every possible way.
Step 4
For a quick take-off, you might find useful connections. Therefore, from childhood, try not to be rude to anyone, communicate with everyone politely and, if it doesn't cost you anything, help out your friends on occasion. It is not known how life will develop further. It is possible that these people will want to repay you in kind.
Step 5
You can make a career not only by following the above recommendations. It is possible to climb "upward" by competently "sitting" with colleagues. This is not the most honest approach in this matter, in addition, if the "setup" is revealed, you risk making yourself a mortal enemy. In addition, the way you acted to achieve your cherished goal, others can do in relation to you.