To work as a primary school teacher, you need to have a special pedagogical education: secondary or higher. In addition, the teacher must love children and have excellent organizational skills.

The primary school teacher is at the same time a teacher, psychologist and educator. It is on the primary school teacher that the formation of the student's personality, his attitude to school and the level of academic performance largely depend.
A primary school teacher must have such qualities as love for children, high communication skills, erudition, the ability to captivate students with their subject.
Education that gives the right to work as a primary school teacher
You can get a secondary pedagogical education in the specialty "Teacher of primary classes" after a course in college or technical school. On the basis of 11 classes, the term of study is 3 years, on the basis of 9 classes - 4 years. However, practice shows that secondary pedagogical education does not guarantee employment, therefore, graduates of technical schools and colleges usually enter universities. The first level of higher pedagogical education is called bachelor's degree, where training lasts 4 years. Education at the second level - Master's degree - lasts two years.
The third level of training is postgraduate study, where scientific and pedagogical personnel are trained for teaching in higher educational institutions.
Obtaining higher education gives the graduate the opportunity not only to become a primary school teacher, but also to make a good administrative career in the future. The teacher can "grow" to the head teacher or director of the school, move to a leading position in the city or district department of public education.
How an elementary school teacher works
The teacher carries out the upbringing and education of his students in the framework of the educational program, organizes children's recreation and leisure, together with the children participates in the preparation of school entertainment events. In addition, the teacher conducts lessons instead of absent colleagues, is engaged in tutoring, participates in social work, and maintains the necessary documentation.
Future teachers are not least interested in the question of how much a primary school teacher earns. As in any other profession, a teacher's salary depends on a number of factors: length of service, category, workload. In different regions there are additional payments for teachers from the local budget. Therefore, a primary school teacher can receive 8-10 thousand rubles, and 20-25, and even more. Traditionally, higher salaries for teachers in megacities.
In addition to the school, primary school teachers will always be recruited into various preschool institutions.