Some people are able to wake up at the first signal of the alarm clock and even a few minutes earlier than it, others - all the time delay this moment in the hope of sleeping longer. And if for the former the process of awakening is given relatively easily, for the latter it is akin to a feat.

Step 1
Getting up to work on time is the key to a good day, and getting up on time requires a good night's sleep. It is not for nothing that there is a saying “morning begins in the evening”. Therefore, if you have difficulty getting out of bed, then you should reconsider the daily routine, in particular the evening. It is advisable to take at least 7 hours to sleep, so do not be surprised if the body begins to "rebel" with lack of sleep. And the constant limitation of the time of night rest can lead to depression and chronic fatigue.
Step 2
Prepare for upcoming sleep by turning off the TV and computer an hour before. It is best to take this time with cosmetic procedures, listening to calm music, reading books. The use of invigorating drinks is undesirable. Although the first sips of coffee can cause drowsiness, the quality of your sleep after them will be at risk.
Step 3
Mentally tune in to the morning rise and set its time. Do this every time before bed: this will allow you to "tune" your internal clock and over time you will learn to wake up before the alarm clock.
Step 4
Hands off the alarm! Five extra minutes won't solve anything - it's just a habit that creates the illusion of continuing sleep. In fact, if you systematically postpone the time of getting out of bed, you can even oversleep at work. It's just that at some point, your brain will stop picking up the repeated signal, or you will start turning off the alarm on autopilot.
Step 5
After waking up, do not make sudden movements. Stretch without opening your eyes, feel every cell of your body, imagine how the sunlight is pouring inside. Then open your eyes, look around, turn on the lamp.
Step 6
Open the window - let clean air into the room. If it's already light, open the curtains.
Step 7
Get your body in order: take a shower, do all the other hygiene procedures.
Step 8
Play invigorating music that will help you finally wake up and tune in to the new day.