It is believed that working as an administrator in hotels does not require high qualifications, certain skills and abilities. In fact, this is not the case. Every self-respecting hotel takes staff recruitment very seriously, especially the choice of the administrator.

Step 1
Please note that if your city is a tourist center, the requirements for the administrator increase significantly. Look for an English speaking administrator. It is much better if the hotel administrator knows several foreign languages.
Step 2
Check out the resumes of numerous hotel receptionists. First of all, pay attention to the literacy of drawing up the questionnaire, it is the hallmark of the future administrator. The administrator must know the basics of economics, the structure of hotel and personnel management; regulatory documents on hotel services; fundamentals of ethics, aesthetics, culture of service and the basics of psychology. The hotel administrator must be tolerant of all visitors.
Step 3
In the resume of the applicant, read everything about his education, about additional training courses, about the desire to work and the desire to achieve good results in the profession. It is this information that creates the first impression and idea of a person and his professionalism. Pay special attention to the length of service described in the applicant's resume: where and how many people worked and in what position, what job duties he performed and what success he achieved.
Step 4
Pay attention to the appearance of the candidate for the position of the hotel administrator. He must be neat and tidy. This is important, because the administrator becomes, in a way, the hallmark of the hotel.
Step 5
Appoint the selected candidate for the position of the hotel administrator according to your (as a manager) order. Familiarize the administrator with the internal regulations of the hotel company. Show him his place of work, explain the main functions that he should perform.