The procedure for dismissing the current director and registering a new one for this position differs from the corresponding actions in relation to ordinary employees. The reason for this is the participation of the manager in solving tax and other legal issues.

Step 1
The founders of the organization have the right to make a decision on the removal from the post of the general director, who must send an information letter with notification of the dismissal of the first person of the company at his place of residence. It is necessary to send a letter later than one month before the date of removal from office.
Step 2
Gather a board of founders, where each of them must make their decision. The results of the council are drawn up in the form of a protocol. The document contains the surnames, names, patronymics of those persons who were present at the meeting, the full name and address of the enterprise. The document must be assigned a number and date corresponding to the actual date of the meeting. The minutes are signed by the chairman and the secretary of the meeting, approved by a general vote and specified in the minutes. In the text of the protocol, it is necessary to indicate the decision on the removal from office of the current director and the appointment of a new one in his place.
Step 3
The order of dismissal from office must be drawn up by the current director himself, after which the document is signed by him and certified by the company seal. Members of the constituent assembly terminate the employment contract with the director. The personnel officer makes a corresponding entry in the work book of the former manager indicating the date of the relevant decision and its reasons. The dismissed director must familiarize himself with this entry against receipt.
Step 4
The elected and newly appointed director must, within three days, notify the tax inspectorate of the removal of the previous head from office and submit a copy of the company's charter, as well as protocols of dismissal, change of the company's first person, a certificate of registration of the organization and an extract from the unified state register. At the same time, the former director must fill out the p14001 form, having entered the company data and his details on sheet Z, informing about the termination of powers as the reason for entering the relevant information.