According to Russian law, a serviceman who serves in the army under a contract can be dismissed from service ahead of schedule and at will, according to the decision of the attestation commission of the unit, if there are valid reasons for this. So what do you need to do?

Step 1
Submit a report to the head (commander) of the military unit, which includes the service, on the early termination of the contract. Please state in detail in the report the reasons why the continuation of the contract service is not possible.
Step 2
Wait for the meeting of the attestation commission. Give reasons for your decision to terminate the contract before the certification committee.
Step 3
Receive a resolution from the attestation commission stating that the reasons given for early termination of the contract are recognized as valid (disrespectful). But, before giving a specific conclusion, the certification commission is obliged to carefully and comprehensively analyze the reasons that prompted you to submit a report on termination of the contract of your own free will. Therefore, after considering all the reasons, the attestation commission may recognize these circumstances as both valid and, on the contrary, disrespectful (it is of great importance how convincingly you reasoned your report).
Step 4
Wait for the final decision of the unit commander (chief), made on the basis of the findings of the certification commission. With any decision made by the attestation commission, the final resolution on the early dismissal of a contract soldier from military service is nevertheless made by the commander (chief), who is entitled to issue orders for dismissal from service.
Step 5
Please note that the commander (chief) can make both a positive and a negative decision on the early termination of the contract by the military. At the same time, the commander has the right to make a negative decision even when the certification commission recognized the reasons given in the report as valid.