Some people work multiple jobs, and they do it legally. According to Russian labor law, such employees are part-time employees. In addition to their main work, they have additional work and devote their free time to it. It is very convenient for an employer to have such a person on staff, since the salary is much less than that of the main employee. But upon dismissal, the personnel staff may have a question: how to formalize this procedure?

Step 1
When concluding an employment contract with such an employee, you must think over all the nuances of the subsequent dismissal. That is, for example, if you formalize a relationship with a part-time employee for a certain period of time, then, of course, you have no right to dismiss him ahead of schedule. In this case, you will have to wait for the end of the legal document.
Step 2
Therefore, if you plan to subsequently employ a permanent employee for this position, it is better to conclude an agreement with a part-time employee for an indefinite period.
Step 3
The procedure for dismissal is not particularly different from the dismissal of an employee usually. Remember that you can fire a part-time employee without his consent if you want to hire a full-time employee in the future. But this can be done in the case of an employment contract concluded for an indefinite period of time.
Step 4
First, notify the part-time worker in writing about the termination of the employment contract. This must be done at least two weeks before dismissal.
Step 5
Remember that you must pay him the remaining wages, compensation for the unused vacation. It should be noted that a part-time employee is also entitled to an annual paid vacation in the amount of 28 days, therefore, compensation should be calculated based on this.
Step 6
Next, draw up a dismissal order (form No. T-8), indicate in it that the employee is a part-time employee. After that, sign it and give it to the employee for review, he must also sign it.
Step 7
As a rule, a personal card is drawn up for each employee hired (form No. T-2). When you leave, make a note on it. If you previously made an entry in the work record book about hiring, then upon dismissal you must also make a note in it.