Even those who already work, and successfully, on the Internet, often think about work, which will be not just strenuous work, but also a rest, a pastime "for the soul." But at the same time, I would like this rest to be useful for the mind and heart, and for the wallet. Here is a good place to think about review sites. And for beginners this is not only a way to make money, but also a good copywriting school!

Many copywriters started their careers with these sites, of which there are many on the Internet, but, realizing that you can't earn much there, they abandoned them, finding more serious work. Serious means substantially paid, profitable, but also demanding. This means that it is rather tiresome, often annoying … Yes, and interruptions in this "serious" work happen even for those who are lucky enough to find regular customers.
Well, those who are just trying their hand at this field can learn a lot, learn a lot of interesting and new things.
This is where review sites come in. Almost everyone is registered on at least one of them, but how can you find out about the rest? Yes, all of them are from these reviews! This is a wonderful base for collecting a wide variety of information - about goods, services, and about websites and exchanges of home-based work. And not only information about their availability! There you can read the most reliable reviews of all these resources and even get invaluable advice on working on these sites.
And, of course, share your experience and knowledge, boast of a successful purchase, complain about a poor-quality service, get and give advice … And for all this he will receive some payment.
Yes, a little. Most review sites pay little or nothing for the review itself. What's the point? They pay to view your reviews, which makes it possible to get what is most attractive in the work of a copywriter - passive income! That is, a written article that did not bring a one-time income “works” for you all the time that your account remains on the site.
This is where your skill comes in. Which article will most likely be read? An interesting one that attracted attention by the headline. Written about the most interesting subject, beautifully designed and correctly presented. To write such an article, you need to gain experience, and where is it most convenient to do? On the reviews site!
This will not be an ordered article, written at the direction of the customer. It all depends on you - the topic, the title, and the text itself, its structure, the emphasis that you make on the description of the subject. There is no need to praise what you dislike, no need to think about how to insert keywords and phrases. All this is invented by the author himself, and by inventing it, he learns.
Very often, a person who has already written a lot of texts "to order" did not really understand how to make his material useful and interesting. Immediately you have to learn how to "build" the text, and operate with "keys", and think about how to make it interesting and readable. At the same time, there is no limitation either in signs or in time. And to find out how much the text has turned out and how popular the author you have become, you can find out all from the same views and the amount of earnings.
After all, we are all interested in making money! This is not easy to do, and testimonials will not generate immediate income. You will have to upgrade your account, that is, write the maximum number of interesting and popular reviews. It is not difficult for those who are just starting to do this. We'll have to devote one or two days to one of these sites, write more reviews. It is better to register on several at once, and, having made your page "live", you can forget it for a while, entering only at the behest of the soul, to share some new impression. Well, withdraw money, of course! Every month 100-300 rubles, but not from one site - it is very attractive.
So you should not neglect even such a small income, and most importantly - work and hone your skills.