How To Write A Punishment Order

How To Write A Punishment Order
How To Write A Punishment Order

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The work process requires discipline, but, unfortunately, this requirement is not always respected by employees. The types of disciplinary punishments and the procedure for their application are stipulated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. An employee's violation can be punished by reprimand, reprimand or dismissal. Each punishment must be formalized with a corresponding order.

How to write a punishment order
How to write a punishment order


Step 1

Before a decision on punishment is made, in accordance with Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, within two working days following the day the offense was committed, the employee must provide an explanatory note. Ask for it and give the person the opportunity to tell you if they had valid reasons for the disciplinary offense. If the employee's explanation does not satisfy the employer, then it is necessary to write a punishment order.

Step 2

The order is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003, which regulates business documents. Write it on a standard A4 sheet of paper. At the top of the sheet, indicate the full name of the enterprise, after two indents type in the middle the word "Order", below, on the left, put down the date, at the right border - the registration number of the order. In the line below, indicate the name of the order, mentioning the type of punishment and the name of the offending employee.

Step 3

In the first part of the document, describe the essence of what happened. Here you can refer to those punishments in force at the moment that have already been issued by orders before. In addition to describing the offense itself, indicate what consequences this violation had or what they could have been. Refer to the clauses in the job description or collective bargaining agreement that were violated by the employee.

Step 4

Write that the explanations provided by this employee do not justify his misconduct and do not prove his innocence, therefore, are not grounds for releasing him from punishment.

Step 5

With reference to Art. 192 and 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, after the words “I order:” written in the middle of the line, indicate the form of punishment that will follow for the disciplinary offense.

Step 6

Designate the services that will monitor its implementation in terms of theirs and describe the actions of the heads of these services - the chief accountant and the head of the personnel department - to ensure the prescribed punishment. Appoint an official who will be entrusted with overall control over the execution of this order.

Step 7

In the last part, list the documents-grounds confirming the commission of the misdemeanor, certificates of the amount of damage caused.

Step 8

Sign the order on behalf of the plant manager. You can approve it by the head of the legal department.
