Eviction of a person from an apartment without his consent is a complex process that requires accurate knowledge of the legislation. In this case, clear and irrefutable evidence is required that it is necessary and possible to implement. The law provides for restrictions on the eviction of minors and those who live in a privatized apartment.

Statement of claim, documents of title to housing, documentary evidence that allows you to evict a person from the apartment
Step 1
If the apartment is not privatized, then indicate the reason for the eviction in the statement of claim. This can be a refusal to pay for utilities or failure to pay rent for at least six months; actions that led to damage or destruction of the living quarters, gross violation of the rights and interests of those living in the apartment, as well as the use of the living space for other purposes, for example, for commercial or industrial purposes.
Step 2
If the apartment is privatized, then a person who does not have his own share in the apartment.
Step 3
It is possible to dismiss a minor child from the apartment only if he has been living at a different address for a long time, or if he is provided with a room equal in terms of living conditions to this apartment. All actions are coordinated with the guardianship authorities.