An employee who works under an employment contract can, along with the main annual leave, take an unpaid leave. But its difference lies in the fact that the rest time remains for consideration by the manager.

Step 1
To take a leave without pay, you, first of all, must write an application addressed to the head of the organization. This must be done three days before the date indicated in the application. Be sure to clarify the reason for using this time. For example, you can indicate that a school child has been quarantined at school or you are escorting your son into the army.
Step 2
In the application, also indicate the period of the administrative leave and its total duration. After that, sign the document and register it with the secretary in the book of incoming correspondence. You can attach copies of certificates to the document. For example, if you have provided a reason for your relatives' health, attach a copy of the medical certificate to your application.
Step 3
Then your application will fall into the hands of the manager, who will make the final verdict. If there are many founders, the decision on granting leave should be made at the meeting of shareholders, and the results of the meeting held in the form of a protocol or decision.
Step 4
If the answer to your application is in the affirmative, the manager will issue an order in the form number T-6. Here he will prescribe the basis, reason and period of the vacation. You just have to verify the information and sign.
Step 5
Since vacation implies a loss of wages, there will be no payments to you during this period. To do this, the order is transferred to the accounting department for the subsequent filling out of the timesheet and your personal card.
Step 6
Remember that you can leave your vacation at any time, even if, according to the application, there are many days left until it ends. To do this, you also need to write a statement addressed to the head of the organization and register it in the book of incoming correspondence.