Is It Worth Working At Yandex Taxi

Is It Worth Working At Yandex Taxi
Is It Worth Working At Yandex Taxi

Yandex. Taxi is a fast-growing project that invites drivers with or without their own car to work. However, superficial information about him is not always enough to make an unambiguous decision about the device on Yandex. Taxi.

Is it worth working at Yandex Taxi
Is it worth working at Yandex Taxi

How to become a Yandex. Taxi driver?

It doesn't take long to become a Yandex. Taxi driver:

  • First, you need to leave a request on the official Yandex. Taxi website. In five minutes, the operator will call the phone specified in the application and collect information about the driver's car, about the city in which he lives.
  • After the call, an SMS with a username and password will be sent to the phone, with the help of which you need to log in to the Taximeter application.
  • To get started, you just need to take a photo of your car from the angles required for the application. After the photos are approved by the moderator, the driver will be connected to the program.

It is not necessary to have a personal car - the taxi company is ready to provide a car for rent.



Orders are the same everywhere. The only problem is their quantity. For example, a driver from Belgorod will earn a little less than a driver from Moscow due to the lack of large and lucrative orders. In general, for an eight-hour working day, if you take into account the cost of gasoline, you can earn 1,500-3,000 rubles (each order costs about 100-200 rubles). If orders are carried out on a rented car, then the salary will be slightly less.

The work schedule, although free, is highly influential on earnings. To earn more, you need to go to work during peak hours or in the evening, at 6-8 pm. It is not profitable to work at night. In the dark, it is better to sleep off, as sleep is very important for the driver.

Payments are made every week.



The application is quite convenient and simple. To start taxing, you just need to click on the "On Line" button, after which orders will begin to arrive. You can monitor your income in the "Earnings" tab.


There are also nuances that may seem inconvenient. For example, to call a passenger to clarify details, the driver needs to be no further than 500 meters from him. If a passenger specifies two or more points to be reached, the application will not reflect this. This will become known only after the order is accepted.

You will not be able to reject an order without losing the rating, which is formed on the number of accepted and rejected orders. The minimum threshold is 40%, after reaching which orders will cease to come.


Is it worth working for Yandex. Taxi?

It is difficult to consider work at Yandex. Taxi as permanent, only as a part-time job when there is a strong need for money or if you have free time. The car quickly deteriorates, sometimes you come across corny unprofitable orders, because of which you can go into a minus - this is enough to decide not to work for Yandex. Taxi for a round shift.
