Sometimes, a person who strives for personal and career growth makes many sacrifices in order to achieve his goal. But before implementing their plan in real life, motivated people do not think about the consequences that a common and seemingly harmless initiative can entail.

Usually, the consequences do not appear immediately. At first, the boss may offer an additional assignment that will not be paid, but will help build his trust and disposition. An executive and obligatory employee, as a rule, without considering such an offer, immediately proposes his candidacy, referring to a possible promotion in the future, especially if he fulfills several such assignments.
Of course, you can complete the task perfectly, an attentive boss will notice this, but the question of raising an opinion or about some kind of reward can remain open for a long time. Ultimately, if there is no reaction in the near future, then it probably will not follow at all. But an annoying employee can take the initiative and work without a bonus for a long time, and then the opposite effect occurs - good deeds begin to act against the employee.
A person quickly gets used to everything good, alas, this is his physical and psychological essence. The boss is also a person, so for him such properties are also normal manifestations. Therefore, after a while, he may not even be interested in who would like to perform an additional task, but immediately entrust it to the person who constantly takes the initiative. Over time, such an employee may lose initiative due to evaporated motivation, only the boss will no longer care about such an outcome. In case of refusal, he will most likely be outraged, and in the worst case, he can show extremely negative tendencies, which will ruin all good relations.
In addition, a self-motivated person may have disagreements with the family due to the frequent absence of home. After all, native people also require attention and want to observe the responsible employee nearby. Sometimes in the most difficult situations lasting for years, this can lead to divorce. Therefore, with the manifestation of initiative, it is always necessary to behave carefully and not cross the line when she starts playing against a person. Otherwise, you can lose everything that was acquired by back-breaking labor.