Changing the surname after marriage leads to the hassle of reissuing documents. At the same time, it is important to have time to do everything on time, otherwise you will have to pay a fine. We will figure out what documents and in what time frame need to be changed.

1. First of all, you need to replace your passport. The organs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are responsible for this. The application can be made through a special portal - Gosuslugi. This must be done within a month from the date of registration of the marriage. The state duty will be 300 rubles.
It is important to know: 30 days after the wedding, the old passport becomes invalid, and for missing the deadline for renewal, a fine is imposed - from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles.
The deadline for replacing the passport has not been set, but it also needs to be reissued, because personal data has changed.
2. Further, within the same period (one month) you need to notify your insurance company about the change of name and get a new medical policy.
3. A driver's license, just like a passport, becomes invalid when the last name is changed, so it must be replaced as soon as possible. You need to get a new certificate from the traffic police, while you do not need to take exams.
4. Another document to be reissued is SNILS. Moreover, the number itself is saved, only the surname on the certificate changes. They do it at the Pension Fund. You can apply for a new SNILS certificate on your own, or through your employer.
5. The TIN certificate is also subject to replacement, but this can be done at any time after marriage.