The profession of an accountant is in great demand today, and no enterprise can operate without his services. The success of the company's development largely depends on his skill, literacy and experience. It is not for nothing that the chief accountant in many organizations is considered the second largest figure after the head.

Step 1
If you are a company’s HR manager or a chief accountant hiring an assistant, start your new employee’s acquaintance with the company by introducing him to the company director. Introducing him, tell the manager how many people participated in the competition for filling a vacant position in the company's accounting department, and why you chose this person.
Step 2
Most likely, the director himself will want to meet personally and ask what kind of work experience a new accounting employee has, what tasks he will perform, for what type of activity of the enterprise he will be responsible and supervise. When introducing an accountant, provide his personal data, list the enterprises where he worked and, if available, tell us about his recommendations.
Step 3
Make an appointment and choose a time and place to introduce the accountant to people in key positions in the company. He will be in the spotlight and will have the opportunity to answer questions about himself and get acquainted with the management staff of the enterprise in an informal setting.
Step 4
Introducing the accountant to the staff of the enterprise or directly to those people with whom he will have to work, give his last name, first name and patronymic, also briefly tell about his previous work activities. Familiarize employees with job responsibilities and those functions in the accounting and reporting department that will be assigned to it.
Step 5
Tell the new employee what these people are doing, with whom he will have to cooperate at work, and how they are related to each other, so that he has a clear idea of the entire technological chain of obtaining the information he needs to perform his job duties.
Step 6
If necessary, provide the new accountant's internal phone number, work mobile phone and email. Ask employees to provide him with all possible support and assistance, not to refuse advice at the initial stage of activity.