In childhood, parents and loved ones often ask babies about who they would like to become when they grow up. There are no answers. And how the future profession is then far from these childhood dreams! The desire to become president is one of the most popular and unrealizable for the vast majority of children.

Becoming president is still a very real idea for a person who is a leader by nature, has a good education, intelligence, erudition, knowledge in many areas. And even such a serious person will need to make a lot of effort to realize his dream.
Who can qualify for the presidency of the country
It would be more correct to formulate this question a little differently - under what conditions can one qualify for the presidency? There are several of them. First, reaching a certain age. According to the Russian constitution, it is determined by 35 years. And this is true - if a person is younger, then he still does not have the proper life and managerial experience, if he is much older, he can lose his best human qualities in pursuit of the ghost of power, get fatally tired in this race.
Secondly, to comply with the residency requirement, i.e. be a citizen of this state and reside on its territory for a certain number of years (in the case of the Russian Federation - 10).
Third, to be popular on a certain scale, to have political weight and to really calculate your chances in the presidential race. It is almost impossible to do without the support of influential financial and political circles, powerful advertising in the media, processing mass consciousness and creating a positive public opinion.
Fourthly, to have a higher education - preferably legal or economic. This is not even discussed - the dictates and trends of the times.
Finally, possess powerful innate and self-developed charisma. What does this concept include? By no means is it God's chosenness, how this concept is translated literally and how it was perceived in past centuries. Intuition, organizational skills, oratory, willpower, sense of humor, ability to please voters and just the crowd. A potential president is an excellent image-maker for himself.
Every citizen of Russia who meets these requirements can nominate himself for the first state post - the post of President of Russia. To do this, you need to submit a petition to the Central Election Commission on time. If the organization approves the candidate, then it is time to start an election campaign, as well as publish its program on the Internet within the time period set by the CEC and provide information about it to the CEC.
What should the president strive for
If someone thinks that becoming president is an end in itself, then they are deeply mistaken. Having come to power, some quickly lose it, become petty, pitiful, insignificant. To stay in the presidency and earn the respect and love of the majority of the people is the height of political art!