In the course of its production activities, any enterprise creates many documents that must be stored for some, and sometimes quite a long time. It is for this that the organization of the archive is necessary.

Step 1
Create the necessary conditions for storing documents in the archive. First of all, the room must be protected from the direct influence of sunlight, the level of air humidity must not exceed the permissible level, and access to unauthorized persons must also be closed.
Step 2
Please note that according to the requirements for the premises of the archive, its placement is not allowed in wooden buildings, dilapidated buildings, buildings with damp foundations, attics or basements. At the same time, the premises intended for storing various archival documents in the adapted building should be isolated from the rest of the premises that are located in this building. Also, it is not allowed to place the archive in the premises of the building, which are occupied by public catering services, organizations that store chemical or fire hazardous substances, food warehouses.
Step 3
Locate the organization's archive in a building adapted or specially constructed to store records. The room must be removed from hazardous objects in accordance with fire safety. These, for example, include car parks, gas stations, garages. Also, there should be no objects that pollute the air near the premises of the archive of the enterprise.
Step 4
When choosing a room suitable for organizing an archive, take into account that several separate rooms are required for the normal operation of the archive: archive storage; room for receiving documents; premises for the use of stored documents; working room for archive employees.
Step 5
Move the archive storage away from laboratory, household and industrial premises. At the same time, pay attention that it does not have common ventilation ducts with them and is separated from neighboring rooms using fire-resistant walls and ceilings with a fire resistance limit of at least two hours. Also, in the archive room, the laying of sewage and water supply pipes is excluded.
Step 6
Draw up for the storage organization "Regulations on the storage of documents" and approve it with the head. In addition, by order of the head, a person should be appointed who will be responsible for the archive. Also, a special expert commission is being created, which will periodically conduct an examination of documents for compliance with their storage periods.