Letterhead Design Rules

Letterhead Design Rules
Letterhead Design Rules

The letterhead is an essential attribute of any modern company. The rules for the design of such a form have been formed over a long period of time on the basis of the basic principles of business document flow.

Letterhead design rules
Letterhead design rules

The design of the letterhead is one of the primary tasks for the head of the company at the stage of its creation. The absence of such a form will not entail negative legal consequences, however, it will have a bad effect on interaction with counterparties who will not take such an organization seriously.

The form is an attribute of the corporate identity, it is used for internal company documentation, external correspondence, contracts, reports, and other documents. Most often, when designing a letterhead, they try to adhere to the accepted corporate style, therefore the colors, fonts and other features of this attribute coincide with the similar parameters of business cards, envelopes, folders.

What is included in the letterhead?

The letterhead includes a certain list of mandatory and optional elements. Thus, one of the most significant structural parts of a letterhead is a company logo or other corporate identity. In addition, the letterhead must contain a block of details of the organization, which indicates its contact information.

If desired, the block of requisites also includes information about the bank account, but this is an additional element of the letterhead. In addition, separate positions on the letterhead are allocated for the date, registration number of the document, its name and text block. The company name is sometimes indicated separately, but most often it is included in the logo or other corporate logo of the company.

Principles of arrangement of elements on letterhead

The peculiarities of the arrangement of individual elements on the letterhead are determined by the head of the company, often depending on the corporate style and personal preferences. The logo is usually placed in the upper left part of the letterhead, and the block of requisites is aligned in the center or transferred to the right part. There are no strict rules for the arrangement of elements on the letterhead, however, the mentioned structure is more familiar, more often than others it is used by modern companies.

The form is printed on A4 pages, usually its printing is ordered at the printing house along with the creation of other corporate attributes (business cards, folders, calendars). This approach allows you to maintain a uniform style, create a positive impression of the company among potential customers and partners.
