Household testimonials in court from neighbors can be obtained with the help of relatives or a lawyer if the accused is under arrest. In other cases, you can write a description yourself and ask your neighbors to put signatures under it.

One of the circumstances directly affecting the severity of the punishment imposed by the judicial authorities in any criminal case is the personality of the defendant. It is with the aim of a positive personality characteristic that the accused try to present not only evidence of their innocence, but also everyday characteristics from neighbors from their place of residence. The accused himself may be engaged in obtaining the specified characteristics in the event that he is not under arrest. If the court has placed the accused in custody for the period of the proceedings, then lawyers and relatives are involved in the preparation and receipt of this document. As a rule, neighbors do not draw up a characteristic on their own, but sign a ready-made text, which they are previously familiarized with.
What form is provided for household characteristics from neighbors
There is no strict form for characteristics from neighbors; this document is usually drawn up by analogy with characteristics that are taken for other purposes from the place of work or study. In the central part of the page, the name of the document is indicated, after which the data of the person in relation to whom the characteristic is given is written. In particular, you should indicate your full name, date of birth, place of residence. Then follows the substantive part of the characteristic, after which the person or several persons (neighbors) who provided this information are indicated. The neighbors should also be listed with personal data, addresses of residence. Each neighbor who is listed as providing the characterization must certify the text with his own signature.
What is indicated in the content of the characteristics?
The purpose of the characterization is to create a positive impression of the personality of the accused by the judge, this circumstance must be taken into account when drafting the text of this document. Usually indicate the personal qualities of the accused (attentive, benevolent, friendly), his lifestyle (does not smoke, does not abuse alcohol), marital status (married, has children), family relationships, personality traits (does not show aggression, does not scandal, does not creates conflict situations). You should also indicate the time of residence of the accused at the specified address, characterize the degree of his participation in public life, relationships with others, employment.