A household injury is an injury sustained outside of work. If in case of an industrial injury, the employer is obliged to draw up an act, a protocol, a special form of certificate with a conclusion and a confirmed diagnosis is issued in the trauma center, in case of a domestic injury, a regular sick leave is issued, which is presented at the place of work.

It is necessary
- - passport;
- - pension insurance certificate;
- - compulsory medical insurance policy;
- - sick leave.
Step 1
If you are injured outside of office hours and not on your way to work or home, see a trauma doctor immediately. When contacting the emergency room with you, you need to have a passport, pension insurance certificate, compulsory medical insurance policy. You will be diagnosed and prescribed the necessary treatment. From the first day of illness, the doctor will write out a sick leave, which you must present to the employer, as soon as the sick leave is closed and you are discharged to work.
Step 2
Notify your employer that you are injured in the home and are on sick leave. Throughout your illness, a note will be put on the report card confirming that you received a certificate of incapacity for work and, therefore, do not attend work.
Step 3
After presenting the sick leave to the employer, you will be credited with benefits in accordance with the general rules. If, in case of an industrial injury, payment is made in the amount of 100% of the average earnings, while your total work experience is not taken into account, in case of a domestic injury, the amount of payment directly depends on your total work experience. With more than 8 years of experience, you will be paid 100% for all days of illness, from 5 to 8 years, payment will be made in the amount of 80% of the average earnings for 2 years, up to 5 years in the amount of 60%.
Step 4
An exception is the case of seeking medical help in case of a domestic injury in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or psychotropic intoxication. In this case, they will put a mark on your sick leave. The employer will calculate the average daily wage for all days of illness, based on the minimum wage. Today the minimum wage is 4611 rubles. The same payment will be made in case of violation of the treatment regimen, which includes untimely repeated visits to the doctor, failure to comply with the conditions of the prescribed treatment.