If neighbors appear in your house who literally interfere with your life, it's time to choose a way to deal with them: try to negotiate, contact the police or repay the neighbors with the same coin.

Trying to find a compromise
Unfortunately, not everyone was lucky with good neighbors - often music plays loudly behind the wall, TV makes noise, songs are sung with a guitar. Whatever kind of discomfort that people who live through the wall from you give you, patience sooner or later ends, the question arises about the methods of struggle.
The first method is regular conversation. Go to your neighbor and offer him a conversation. Explain what exactly he is bothering you, why it gives you inconvenience and how you want to see his behavior. You should not make a scandal and show negative emotions, since the reaction to aggression, as a rule, is a response aggression. Try to be as polite as possible to state your requirements. If you come across adequate people, they will understand you and take action. If you are unlucky and the neighbor slammed the door with the words that your inconvenience to him "to the light bulb", you should resort to more serious measures.
Law enforcement assistance
If your arguments to a neighbor seemed unconvincing, contact the law enforcement agencies. If the noise behind the wall is heard at the wrong time (in different regions, "quiet hour" occurs at different times - from 21:00 to 00:00), feel free to call the police at the hot number. Neighbors will be brought to administrative or civil liability, fined and obliged to stop the noise. If you have to endure noise or other inconveniences at the “allowed” time, contact your local district police officer. You will be asked to write a statement, in which you will have to explain in detail how you are "bored". In a few days, your neighbors will be visited by the district police officer, who will hold a warning conversation with them. If the conversation goes nowhere, you can file a civil lawsuit in court.
Eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
If the persuasion did not lead to anything, and you do not want to contact the police, you can choose another method - answer the neighbors in the same way that they "get you". Play music when you think they are asleep, hang up the shelf (not without the help of a drill, of course), start repairs. Sometimes this method helps, but in most cases it leads to serious confrontation between people who are separated by only a few walls. Therefore, try to soberly assess the situation before taking any action.