Nowadays, electronic means of payments are becoming more and more widespread. WebMoney is one of the most popular electronic payment systems not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries.

The WebMoney payment system for instant settlements and transfers entered the market in 1998. Being one of the systems of modern electronic payments, WebMoney gives its customers the opportunity to make exchange transactions using the title units stored in their accounts.
To open a personal account, you must register on the official WebMoney website or in the installed WebMoney Keeper software. Registration can be divided into several parts: First, you must enter and confirm the phone number +7 (000) 000 00 00. This is required to protect your accounts and payments, since during the operation you will need to enter a code that will be sent as an SMS to the phone number that the user specified during registration. And it will allow you to restore access to the wallet.
We fill in the columns with personal data, only reliable information should be entered, since when issuing a certificate, this information will need to be confirmed: name, date of birth, mail address (a letter will be sent with a link to confirm the mail), security question (useful when restoring account access). A message with a code will be sent to the number specified during registration. The user only needs to enter it into the proposed window. After entering the confirmation code, the system will check whether this registration number was registered in WebMoney, if such registration was carried out, then the client will be prompted to enter the account.
If registration is not found, the client will be redirected to a page where he must enter a password. You will need to enter it each time to log in and confirm it. After that, the system will offer to accept the terms of the WebMoney transfer agreements and allow access to your personal data, for this you need to tick the empty boxes. After clicking the "Next" button, the system will register and your account will be assigned a WMID. The system assigns to the client a unique WMID (personal account), it consists of 12 digital characters. In each personal account, you can open several virtual accounts (wallets) for maintaining virtual symbols in the currency of different countries. The wallet also consists of 12 numbers and a letter in front of the numbers (P, E, Z, etc.) that indicates the selected currency.
To manage wallets, you can use the software provided in several versions: 1. Using Keeper Standard or Keeper WebPro through any browser installed on your computer. 2. Using the Keeper WinPro program. 3. Using an application installed on a mobile phone or tablet. The use of the above programs allows the clients of the system to make a transfer from their wallet to a virtual account of another user in a few seconds, while transactions are allowed to be carried out only between accounts of the same type of currency.