In connection with the rapid development of Internet technologies, new concepts are coming into modern life. One of them is freelancing. This word comes from the English freelance. Literally translated, it means "free spear." Freelancing is an out-of-state job that involves finding and fulfilling orders on your own. The person who deals with it is a freelancer, he is also a freelance artist. Freelancing has both advantages and disadvantages. Before deciding to go "on free bread", it is worth weighing all the pros and cons.

Who Goes to Freelance?
Freelancers can be:
- designers;
- programmers;
- translators;
- design engineers;
- seo optimizers;
- photographers and retouchers;
- journalists;
- copywriters, rewriters and many others.
With the modern development of various communications (Internet, telephone, computer), freelancing has become available not only to the above specialists, but also traditionally office employees like marketers, accountants, HR managers or lawyers.
Only workers whose field of activity requires bulky and expensive equipment, mandatory presence in a specific place or enrollment in the staff can not afford to go "on free bread".
More often than not, talented people with a fairly high self-esteem run away from the corporate hustle and bustle, office routine and bosses. If professional experience, self-confidence, self-organization skills and focus on results are also applied to this, then self-employment will bear the expected results.
The second category of freelancers is young mothers. No employer will offer an ideal work schedule for a mother with a child. But a freelancer woman is quite capable of remaining a professional on maternity leave and making money. At the same time, there is no need to worry about how to have time to feed the child, with whom to leave him, how the baby, left in the care of a nanny, feels.
The third category of freelancers is people with disabilities and poor health. It is difficult for them to find not only a decently paid, but also a permanent job, since permanent hospital employers are often not ready to endure. But remote customers may not even know about the problems of the performer. In addition, freelancing has the opportunity to plan your working day, conveniently combining it with rest and medical procedures.
The third group of free artists are provincials. Freelancing is becoming a real boon for those who live far from the metropolis and cannot move there to work. It's no secret that wages in Moscow and the regions differ by an order of magnitude.
Freelance benefits
Freelancing has many benefits. First, it's a free schedule. You can get up at least at 6 am, even at 2 pm and work during the hours of your greatest biological activity. You do not need to work in a mode set by someone else.
Second, you can use your own time efficiently and productively. This is especially felt by those who need to go to work for 2-3 hours by two or three types of transport. With the right organization of the day, work moves better and faster than with full-time employment, while leaving more time.
Third, you can engage in multiple activities. In most cases, the bosses disapprove of part-time jobs, and sometimes they prohibit it. A freelancer can deal with different types of work, providing himself with orders in a larger volume. For example, a programmer, in addition to his main activity, can write a textbook, translate or customize software for his regular customers.
Fourth, you will not be tied to your place of work. Your customer can be located in another city, country or abroad. In addition, a freelancer can gain experience with overseas companies and provide impressive references from them.
Fifth, it is an independent choice of orders. No one will force you to do an unpleasant or unprofitable business for you. An employee is obliged to do what his superiors tell him to do, and a freelancer can choose both the project and the customer himself.
Sixth, it is psychological comfort. People are divided into traditionalists who like to obey the rules and those who are simply stifled by rigid boundaries. The latter are uncomfortable living within the framework of corporate codes. And the first ones are surprised to learn how nice it is not to smile at unpleasant colleagues, to wear comfortable clothes, to work at any convenient time of the day and not to be nervous about the office hustle and bustle.
Seventh, this is family well-being. This is especially important for female freelancers who have more time for home and family. Yes, and you can communicate with loved ones calmly, not on the run. The main thing is to explain to your household that when you are busy working at home, you are not there. It is also worth teaching them to contact you at this time only on important and urgent issues.
Well, and the most important advantage of freelancing is the feeling of independence and freedom, the ability to independently make all decisions and build your own life.
Disadvantages of freelancing
However, there are significant disadvantages to freelancing. First of all, it is the instability of earnings, as well as the lack of confidence in the future. Freelancer does not know exactly how much he will earn next month, and there is no need to talk about long-term forecasts. Therefore, a loan, for example, is not for you.
You cannot be sure whether the customer will pay you and whether he will cheat you. Usually, there are no formal contracts with freelancers. Almost every freelancer can tell a couple of stories about dishonest customers and lost money. In addition, you will need to sell your services.
Not everyone likes sales, but on freelance you will have to communicate with customers, fight competitors, participate in tenders for orders.
Another significant disadvantage of freelancing is the absence of a social package, bonuses and social support. You will not have health insurance, no one will pay for your sick leave and vacation, there will be no bonuses for mobile communications, you will not be credited with retirement experience. Although, if you are a good freelancer, you are able to earn all this yourself. You will have to deal with taxes yourself or hire an accountant.
Another disadvantage of freelancing is loneliness. After all, man is a collective being. If you have no one to compete with, no one to compare yourself with, you can slow down on the way to a career, or even stop altogether.
In essence, freelance is a way of life, a way of thinking in a certain way. This is suitable for those who prioritize freedom, informed choice and personal responsibility for it. And this freedom must be paid for - with financial uncertainty, sleepless nights, iron self-discipline, lack of social benefits, etc.
Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally which is better - freelance or permanent work. Here, everyone has to choose for themselves. A person who values peace and stability above all else will find freelance a burden. But if it is important for you that your unlimited potential and creative possibilities are revealed precisely in a free flight - then fly! The endless sky of freelancing awaits you.