To pay or not to pay fines - this question, in practice, worries many. On the one hand, everyone knows that they have to pay, on the other, they don't know what awaits them in case of non-payment. Often, due to ignorance of the legislation and its imperfections, the majority of those fined prefer to give up on violations and do not pay fines. Experts, however, warn: it is better to comply with the deadlines set aside for the payment of debts than to get into an awkward and unpleasant situation later.

The deadlines for the payment of administrative fines are spelled out in the legislation quite clearly. However, the information is conveyed to the population either not in full, or not very clearly. Therefore, many who have been fined are not even aware of their responsibility.
Ignorance does not absolve from responsibility. And even if you did not receive the order, you are still considered a penalty box. Therefore, various sanctions, up to and including imprisonment, may be applied to you within the timeframes specified by law.
When to pay administrative fines
The deadlines for paying fines for administrative offenses are regulated by Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. According to this article, the fine must be paid no later than 30 days from the day when the decision to bring you to administrative responsibility came into force, or from the date of expiry of the deferral period established for the reasons specified in the Law and prescribed in Article 31.5 of the Code.
To understand how long your 30 days start from, you need to figure out what a ruling in a case of an administrative offense is.
The decision on an administrative offense is made by the magistrate on the basis of the submitted protocols. For example, in the matter of writing traffic fines, the main document for passing a conviction is filming a video camera and its description or a protocol from the scene of the violation. A person who has been in trouble is not forced to attend such a court session, and therefore situations arise when he simply does not know that he is on the list of debtors.
In order not to make yourself problems with unpaid fines, regularly check if you have any debts in special traffic police databases, which are abundant on the Internet. Here you can also print a receipt for payment.
The administrative violation order and the payment of a fine come into effect after the deadline for filing an appeal has expired (which is quite difficult to do if you are not aware at all that you have been fined).
As a result, it turns out that you must pay a fine for traffic violations within 30 + 10 days, i.e. no later than 40 days after the sentencing. If you are law abiding and pay fines on time, keep a receipt for at least a year. Indeed, in the traffic police so often there are various breakdowns and technical problems.
If after this period the fine has not been paid, your debt may be transferred to the bailiffs.
What happens in case of non-payment
If you do not pay the fine and evade administrative punishment for 2 years (for example, you have moved and the bailiffs cannot find you), your fine will be written off and you will no longer be prosecuted.
However, it should be borne in mind that the transfer of administrative fines to the bailiffs deprives you of the right to travel abroad. Moreover, you can find out about this already when crossing the border, when you have tickets and vouchers in your hands.
In addition, if an inspector stops you and checks your unpaid fines, he can arrange for you a debriefing right on the spot, up to the point that he will send the car to a parking lot, and you will be sent to serve an administrative imprisonment for 15 days, or to forced labor.