Generally speaking, all sellers can be divided into two categories. Some know how to sell and do it successfully; others, on the contrary, have a very rough idea of trading and do not know how to work with a client at all. The former differ from the latter in several ways.

Step 1
Find all available product information. Don't be limited to specialized magazines for your profile. Most likely, they contain information about the manufacturer, the history of the creation of the product, etc. For many buyers, this information is secondary. They are much more interested in hearing a story about a specific person. They want to know how their life will improve after they make a purchase from you. It's easier to convey your feelings, so it's better if you start using the product yourself. If this is not possible, look on the Internet for reviews about it, ask your more experienced colleagues.
Step 2
Learn to present your product. First, talk about him emotionally (but do not overdo it with enthusiasm, otherwise you will be mistaken for a fanatic). Second, avoid negative words. For example, you shouldn't talk about eau de toilette: "It's just a killer scent." Better to replace the word "killer" with something more positive (stunning, awesome, incredible, etc.)
Step 3
Get rid of words-parasites ("type", "this is the most", etc.) and interjections ("eeee", "mmmm"). Speaking clearly and confidently inspires confidence.
Step 4
Find the unique features of your product. Always put emphasis on them.
Step 5
Use the "constraint" technique. People are almost always interested in things they have limited access to. If you say that "this product is about to run out," you will spark a surge of curiosity. This technique works both with individualists who want to get an extraordinary product, and with "fashionistas" who follow general trends in everything. The first must understand that they are acquiring an exclusive; to the second, it is necessary to explain that all reasonable people have already bought this product.