Have you decided to invite a foreigner to Russia for a private or business visit? Or maybe even take him to work in your company? The current legislation allows you to write an application for the issuance of an invitation to enter both individuals and organizations. Moreover, even to those who themselves are officially registered abroad, but live and (or) carry out their activities in Russia on a legal basis.

Step 1
Receive from the future guest of Russia a copy of the document proving his identity.
Step 2
Make a letter of guarantee that during the stay of the invited person on the territory of our country, you take upon yourself all the issues related to providing him with housing, material values and medical services.
Step 3
In case you intend to invite a person to work, provide all the permits required for the legal work of foreigners in Russia. Detailed information on how to issue all permits can be obtained on the official website of the FMS of Russia.
Step 4
In order for your guest to be allowed to enter the territory, the entry to which is regulated and requires special permits, obtain such permits from the FSB of Russia. Of course, this is only if his stay in these territories is necessary.
Step 5
Pay the fee.
Step 6
Take the collected package of documents, your own passport or other document proving your identity, and contact the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation at your place of registration or stay. Write there an application for an entry permit for a foreign citizen according to the established model. Please note that no corrections and additions to your submitted application will be possible after it has been accepted for consideration. So any inaccuracies in its preparation should be excluded.
Step 7
Wait while the FMS officer checks the documents you submitted, accepts them for production, certifies the fact of this verification with his signature and gives you a certificate of the established form.
Step 8
Detailed checks on the accounts of the FMS and the FSB will last about a month. In exceptional situations (serious illness, death of a close relative, etc.), it is possible to speed up the processing time for documents up to 5 days, if you submit documents confirming these circumstances. In case of refusal to issue an invitation, the territorial bodies of the FMS will notify you about this no later than 10 days after the decision is made.
Step 9
Show your passport or other document proving your identity and get it from an employee of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation to an employee of the Federal Migration Service. The new form will have to be issued to you no later than an hour later. Inform the foreign citizen for whom you applied that the legal basis for obtaining a Russian visa is in your hands.