Not everyone is happy with a shift work schedule or activity that involves exclusively night shifts. However, there are people who choose just such a work rhythm, not only out of necessity, but also completely voluntarily, given the opportunity to work “like people” from 8 am to 5 pm.

The pros of night shifts
Indeed, working at night can be very attractive, especially for so-called "owls" who, on their own initiative, are willing to sit out all night at the computer or TV, as well as devote traditional time to sleep for their favorite hobby. Such a mode of operation is literally created for such people.
Indeed, working the night shift, a person gets a day off as a bonus. He will not have to visit shops during rush hours, he can calmly do household chores and devote time to loved ones. Of course, it should be borne in mind that you still have to somehow cut out a few hours for sleep. But this problem can be solved. Some purely "night" professions do not at all assume that a person will be awake all night, and on night watch you can doze for a couple of hours.
Another benefit of night shifts is the quieter environment. Indeed, the management, as a rule, sleeps peacefully at night and is not inclined to appear and interfere with the "work process". At night, the influx of visitors to convenience stores is less, and even the night watchmen are completely alone and can do something that does not have a direct relationship to work duties.
In addition, it is rare to find an activity in which a person has to work every night. As a rule, after night shifts there are long weekends, which can fall into the middle of the week. This is especially pleasant for those who like to spend time at home when household members go about their day.
Well, do not forget that night shifts are paid more expensive than day shifts, and this is also important.
Disadvantages of working at night
But, as you know, every medal has two sides, and night work has not only pluses, but also minuses.
The most unpleasant thing is that the natural rhythm of sleep and wakefulness is disrupted, and this can negatively affect the state of health. It is normal for a person to sleep in the dark and stay awake in the daytime. If he constantly lives in an "inverted" mode, fatigue gradually builds up, which can lead to decreased performance, mood deterioration and other unpleasant consequences.
Another disadvantage of night shifts is that with various kinds of emergency situations, which, unfortunately, can happen at any job, it can be more difficult to resolve them than in the daytime. Of course, when it comes to accidents or other emergencies, there is not much difference: people who eliminate such problems are also on duty around the clock. But if it is necessary to sort out some working moments, this will have to be postponed until the morning: after all, people who are authorized to resolve such issues usually rest at night.