Any product that is popular with buyers also attracts the attention of counterfeit manufacturers. Of course, it is not easy to recognize a very high-quality fake on your own - it will require expertise. But the vast majority of counterfeit goods are not so skillfully executed.

Step 1
Anyone can recognize a fake mobile phone. It is enough to go to the manufacturer's website and find there photos and characteristics of the device that is offered to you. If the phone is fake, it may have slightly different inscriptions on the front panel and back wall, they may have different style and font size. Counterfeit Nokia phones may have icons under the screen that genuine Nokia phones never have. Sometimes a fake phone has a pressure-sensitive display, even when the original does not have such a function. The same applies to the possibility of working with two SIM cards, as well as the function of the TV. On the other hand, a fake may not contain some of the functions that are in the original, for example, a navigation receiver (when the navigation program is launched, a static picture is displayed instead). If the original phone is equipped with an AMOLED display, the counterfeit may still be a regular TFT. Finally, the fake phone may have different menu structure and grammatical errors in the interface.
Step 2
Counterfeit alcoholic beverages are more difficult to identify. Some manufacturers of such products supply them with special identifiers based on polarizers. The identifier says to which part of the bottle it should be applied, and what information should appear in this case. For other brands of alcoholic beverages, recommendations for detecting counterfeiting are given on the website or you can request them by calling the hotline.
Step 3
When purchasing a lighter, be especially careful when purchasing goods under the BIC, Cricket and Zippo brands - they are most often counterfeited. Fortunately, the websites of these particular manufacturers provide detailed and comprehensive recommendations for identifying fakes.
Step 4
In order not to run into fake clothes, you should first of all choose the right place to purchase it. Most of the counterfeits are in the markets and in small stores, the least of all - in company showrooms and, oddly enough, in second-hand stores, since they import goods from Western Europe, where control over the observance of trademark rights is very strict. Signs of a fake garment are poor quality seams, deliberate misspellings in the name.