Personal files can be created for each employee working for the enterprise. But especially attention is paid to the execution of such documents in relation to the leaders and leading specialists of the organization. In order to correctly and in the required volume reflect the necessary information about a person as an employee, it is worth fulfilling a number of requirements for compiling a personal file for each of them.

Step 1
Article 85 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines the concept of "personal data of an employee". And according to this provision, it is necessary to fill out a personal file for each employee. Start it immediately after the issuance of the order for the admission of a person to the position. The main requirement for the design of this document is filling in chronological order. That is, all papers must be filed as they become available.
Step 2
The list of documents that must be present in each personal file is defined in paragraph 5 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 1998-01-06 No. 640. It includes: an internal inventory of documents, an employee's questionnaire, a resume, copies of education documents and identity cards, certificates that confirm changes in various personal data of a person (these can be copies of a marriage certificate, obtaining a TIN, insurance certificate, birth of children and others) and an employment contract. It is imperative that the personal file contains copies of all orders regarding various appointments, incentives, business trips, vacations, certification data, characteristics, etc. And, of course, in every personal file there should be a plan for a person's career growth. If clarification is needed to any of these documents, then it is noted in the additional line "Note".
Step 3
Upon receipt of any kind of documents from a series of those that will be filed in a personal file, an inventory is drawn up. It helps keep a more streamlined record of employee information. It must be signed by the compiler, indicating his position, deciphering his signature and affixing the date. When closing a personal file, an employee's statement of dismissal or documents that justify the need for dismissal, a copy of the order are filed.