Situations often arise when the employer, for one reason or another, is forced to look for his former employees. This can be done by referring to the employee's personal file, which has been stored in the company's archival documents for at least 75 years. The personal files of federal employees are conducted on the basis of Presidential Decree No. 640 of June 1, 1998, civil servants and workers - in accordance with Decree 609 of May 30, 2005.

- - private bussiness;
- - announcement in the media;
- - application to the FMS.
Step 1
To find former employees, turn up archival documents. According to clause 337 of the "List of standard documents" that were sent to the archive as part of the employee's personal file after his dismissal from the enterprise, the following remained in the archive for storage: a questionnaire, autobiography or resume, all copies of education documents, copies of orders, orders and other regulatory documents stipulated by labor legislation. As well as a description or letter of recommendation from the previous enterprise, a statement written during employment, certificates and other documents related to the resigned employee.
Step 2
According to the questionnaire, autobiography or resume, you will be able to find out the home address and the address of the actual place of residence, contact phone numbers and other information of interest to you, by which you can personally contact the former employee and resolve all business issues that interest you.
Step 3
All personal information of employed and retired employees must be kept in a safe. They can only be accessed by the responsible HR representative or the responsible archivist. Any personal data is not subject to disclosure, except in cases established by law in the presence of a court order. If your former employee is interested in persons who do not have a court order, then you face criminal liability for the release of personal information.
Step 4
If archival documents are lost due to natural disasters, fire or floods, and you need to contact a former employee, then you can use the local or regional media and advertise in them a wanted list of employees who worked at your enterprise at certain times …
Step 5
If you remember the name of the employee you are looking for, apply to the Federal Migration Service, present your passport. If the reason for the search is valid, then you will receive all the information about the employee. You can use the same method if all archived information about the place of residence and contact numbers is outdated.