How To Get A Salary For An Employee

How To Get A Salary For An Employee
How To Get A Salary For An Employee

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According to the Labor Code, the employer must pay his employees wages at least twice within one calendar month. As a rule, its size depends on the position held, and is spelled out in the employment contract. The procedure for receiving wages is also described in the aforementioned regulatory legal act.

How to get a salary for an employee
How to get a salary for an employee


Step 1

First, it should be clarified that the salary, or rather the salary, should not be less than the minimum wage (international salary), which is established by Russian law. This indicator is indexed annually.

Step 2

In order to receive cash wages, you need to have your passport with you. As a rule, the amount of wages is spelled out in the employment contract that you entered into with the employer when applying for a job. Any change from its conditions is formalized in the form of an additional agreement with the head.

Step 3

In the event that you receive wages from the organization's cash desk, then on the scheduled day (as a rule, it is spelled out in the employment contract or in special instructions), you must come with an identity document. After that, you will be asked to familiarize yourself with the size of the payment - this information is indicated in the payroll sheets. After signing the appropriate columns in the payroll, the salary will be handed over to you.

Step 4

Some organizations provide for the issuance of wages by transferring to the current accounts of employees. As a rule, bank cards are used for this. For these purposes, you will be asked to open a personalized card. Its registration takes two weeks on average. After that, you must report all the details to the accounting department for subsequent transfers.

Step 5

The above method has many benefits for both the organization and the employee. But keep in mind that for non-cash wages, the consent of the employee is required. This can be done both in the form of an application with a request to transfer salaries to a bank account, or in the form of consent to a written notification from the manager.

Step 6

You should also know that the non-cash method of remuneration should be carried out twice a month, that is, in the middle of the month, an advance is transferred, and at the end - the remnants of wages. The date of payment is the date of transfer of funds to the employee's account.
