The preconditions for the implemented competency-based approach have existed for a long time. It is not difficult to recall the well-known ZUN, prescribed in planning. But the modern education system also focuses on new qualities of graduates - the ability to educate themselves, make decisions, solve problems, overcome stressful situations, and quickly adapt to changing conditions. All these skills can and should be developed at school. The question "How?" refers us to modern forms and methods of teaching.

- Active methods and forms of education,
- modern technical teaching aids
Step 1
Define goals and learning outcomes. Analyze the composition of the training material in terms of its impact on the formation of key competencies. Observe the principles of integration and include interdisciplinary connections in the training content.
Step 2
Use modular technology in teaching. Build the modules of each topic (blocks) according to the following algorithm: "submission of new material - training in practical application - independent practical application - conference". Modular training, as a tool for implementing the competence-based approach, is introduced in stages. Teach children the skills of self-study gradually - from the initial skills of working with information, shaping their thoughts, through cooperation and communication, to research, project work and self-assessment skills.
Step 3
Encourage students to actively participate in the learning process even while learning new material. Give them tasks to find and establish connections between concepts, phenomena, search for algorithms, apply them independently. Organize group activities of children, which will allow the formation of communicative competencies, cooperation skills.
Step 4
Organize scientific and practical conferences for children. This will allow them to perform creative tasks - for example, demonstrating phenomena, laws, finding solutions to creative and experimental problems - and present the results of their work.
Step 5
Conduct control checks at different stages and by different methods. These can be simple tests, multilevel tests, analogy methods, etc.
Step 6
Conduct activities in an interactive manner. This not only motivates students, stimulates their interest, but also allows them to update and expand their personal social experience. Provide pedagogical support, this is an indispensable condition for the implementation of the competence-based approach. Support the development of communication, intellectual, organizational skills through a variety of methods.
Step 7
Pay attention of students to the knowledge of themselves, their characteristics, qualities, analysis of emerging thoughts, emotions. Teach reflection as the ability to focus on thoughts, experiences. These skills contribute to the fact that the formed and consolidated competencies become personally significant for the child.