A creative approach to work can help speed up production processes, increase the working capacity of employees, and solve problems related to relationships in a team. Nevertheless, it is far from always appropriate, and besides, it must be used wisely.

When to get creative
A creative approach is necessary, first of all, in cases when the work cannot be done efficiently without it. The work of journalists, artists, writers, designers is unthinkable without an element of creativity. Template solutions are inappropriate in this case. A creative approach can be used even when creating a schedule, decorating rooms, organizing work in a team. The very thought and application of such things helps to reveal the potential of a person and gives inspiration, and for representatives of creative professions this is very important.
This approach can be used to improve results also in cases where it can be dispensed with. For example, an algebra teacher may find a new and interesting way of explaining material on a specific topic, so that students learn everything more easily and quickly, and also learn how to easily apply the knowledge gained to solving complex problems. A specialist who works with primary school students should try to use a creative approach to increase the interest of children in the educational process and to improve discipline. After all, even a maid can add a touch of color to her work by learning how to combine cleaning with exercise to keep fit. This will allow you to achieve several goals at once and, moreover, will make the work process more fun and increase motivation.
It is recommended to be creative when it saves money and time. For example, a new way of displaying goods on display windows, another option for decorating a store, or an interesting, bright, but at the same time cheap packaging can help attract customers and reduce product processing costs.
Poor creativity
While being creative, it's not always worth using it. In some cases, it is much more important to repeat the debugged actions on the machine. Creativity is poorly combined with mass production, in which each person performs a certain part of the work and must spend a minimum of time on it. In such cases, innovation often only hinders, since it reduces labor productivity, worsens mutual understanding between team members, and slows down the process.
It should be remembered that the creative approach to work must always be carefully thought out and correctly implemented. It is appropriate to conduct experiments, even better - to learn about the results of using certain methods from people who have already tried to apply them. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that the situation will really improve, and it will become easier and more enjoyable to work.