Many people dream of working as little as possible, receiving the same money for it. How not to sit in the office all day, deal with things earlier and free up time for yourself? It's not as hard as it sounds.

Step 1
Working in an office with a clear schedule helps to get used to a certain system. The employee of the company has the impression that there is a lot of time in the working day, but you still cannot leave the office before 18.00 or 18.30, so he spends his working hours often not rationally. In the morning, employees sway lazily, drink coffee or tea, play games on the computer. Work begins about an hour after arrival. Then lunch time, which is also often stretched out. During the working day, there are constantly distracting moments: go to email, reply to friends on social networks, see a picture.
Step 2
Incredibly, these side tasks can take up most of the day. It turns out that almost any person does business no more than 4 hours a day. And if you manage your time wisely, you can save most of the day for your own activities. To do this, in the workplace, you need to give up all distractions, close social networks and unnecessary tabs in the browser. Clearly measure time for a specific task and try to meet the deadline. You should remember the rule according to which the work is done all the time that it is given.
Step 3
It will take some training to get into such a tough regimen. But then you will notice how you get the job done much faster and get done a lot more. If you are not kept in the office by any business that requires close attention, you can even agree with your superiors to leave immediately as soon as the necessary work is handed over for the day. But even if this is not possible, at the workplace you can also find activities to your liking, or find a part-time job and earn more.
Step 4
Finding a part-time job is a great option for those who can't or don't want to be in the office from morning to night. Of course, the salary will not be as high as in the case of a full work schedule, but if you put in the effort and follow the advice of the correct allocation of time, you can convince the bosses that you are doing just as well and performing as well as regular employees.
Step 5
Become a freelancer and only work during the hours that are convenient for you. Remote work is becoming more and more popular, including for those employees who do not want to do business for a long time, and receive no less money for this than when working in a company. In freelancing, a huge role is played not only by your ability to find, receive and competently fulfill orders, but also your talent for self-organization. Here no one will force you to work or get out of bed early in the morning. Only you yourself will choose the time at which you need to work and motivate yourself to work.