It is impossible, being the owner of an enterprise or the head of a department, to perform all management functions on his own. Firstly, you may not have enough energy or time for this, and secondly, because of your absence due to illness or for any reason, production should not stop. In addition, there are things that professionals can do better than you. And in general, the assignment of responsibilities mobilizes a person, stimulates his creativity and development. How do you assign responsibilities?

Step 1
Define for yourself a list of those responsibilities that you can entrust your employees with. Knowing their abilities and capabilities, consider what responsibilities each of them will do best. Take into account the qualifications of each and try not to entrust the person with those duties that he definitely cannot cope with.
Step 2
Invite everyone to your place, explain what you are going to entrust him, what you expect from him to participate in the process of fulfilling these duties, outline jointly how they will have to be performed. Ask how great the employee's desire is to perform certain duties, stimulate this desire, including financially. Explain the importance of the task assigned to the employee and the authority that is given to accomplish it. Ask the employee to explain how he will achieve the performance of his duties and answer any questions he may have about this.
Step 3
Do not forget to monitor the performance of employees of their duties, but do not limit his creative impulses - he must have room for certain maneuvers to make optimal use of the allocated resources. But you must be sure that its activities are carried out in the right direction, be ready to always correct it in time.
Step 4
Remember that not all responsibilities can be transferred or divided. So, encouraging and punishing employees is only your prerogative; all global decisions, issues of wages and staff should be made only by you.
Step 5
Use the energy, knowledge and talents of your employees wisely, be clearly aware of what result you want to achieve from each and be able to explain this to your subordinate. The well-coordinated work of the entire team and the success of the business you are engaged in depend on your ability to correctly distribute responsibilities.