How To Get Recommendations

How To Get Recommendations
How To Get Recommendations

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Job recommendations are required in most companies. They are especially important for those whose professions are associated with close interaction with people. These are housekeepers, nannies, drivers, cooks, masseurs, etc.

How to get recommendations
How to get recommendations


Step 1

To take a recommendation from a real employer, you must inform him that you are going to quit. This should be done very carefully so as not to offend the boss. Start a conversation that you are planning to expand your professional experience, try yourself in a related field, or just take a break from work. Don't tell him that you are unhappy with your salary or working conditions. In this case, it will be difficult to get a positive recommendation.

Step 2

Once you've prepared your boss for leaving, start talking about referrals. If your boss doesn't have time to write them, do it yourself. Write about your professional skills and abilities, how long you worked in the company, what results you have achieved during this time. Email the recommendation to the director, asking them to read and comment on what is written. Most likely, he will add something from himself. After that, print the letter and take it for signature.

Step 3

It is not necessary to take a written recommendation. Many employers prefer to talk to their former boss in person. Before giving his phone number, be sure to ask permission. If the director is not in the mood for a conversation, contact your deputy, or an employee who was closely associated with you in the work process.

Step 4

Usually the employer asks for a recommendation from the last job. If it was not possible to establish contact with the management, or the reason for leaving was not entirely positive, contact the penultimate boss for feedback. For this, it is necessary to keep in touch with the previous duty station. Always remember this and do not forget to congratulate the director on the holidays and his birthday. It will not require efforts from you, but it will make a good reputation.
