You came to a new job, and after a while it became clear that you did not understand what was required of you. It's not scary. The main thing is to find the problem in time and try to solve it.

Step 1
Unfortunately, not all people love their job. And very often the reason for dislike lies in the fact that a person does not understand his work. If you do not want to look for a new job at the moment, then this problem must be solved. First, answer yourself honestly: Can you really understand your responsibilities with a reasonable explanation? If, for example, you have studied the history of the ancient world all your life, and now you have to work in a nuclear physics laboratory, then it is clear that you may simply not have a penchant for this matter. Don't try to grasp the immensity.
Step 2
If you are confident in your abilities, then you need to conduct a campaign "understand your work." Make a list of questions you don't understand. Before asking for help, try to deal with them yourself. An employee who tries to solve his problems himself is respected. Read instructions, guidelines, and specialist literature. The abundance of e-books and articles makes it much easier to find the information you need. Don't neglect this.
Step 3
If you can't figure it out yourself, ask your colleagues for help. This can be either your boss or just a more experienced employee for whom you have respect. Ask for a minute at a convenient time for the explainer. State your problem clearly. Don't be afraid to admit that you don't understand your job. It is better to get the necessary explanations in advance than to tell later why you made this or that mistake. Write down all explanations. Feel free to stop the explainer to clarify any unclear points. Do not forget to thank the member of staff who clarified difficult questions for you.