More and more professions appear, the name of which is incomprehensible and, sometimes, frightening. One of these professions is a merchandiser. This profession is in demand, but many do not even have an idea what the duties of its representative are, what are the requirements for applicants for this vacancy.

Who is a merchandiser
A merchandiser is an employee in the trade sector who is entrusted with a whole list of responsibilities. Some people mistakenly believe that the duties of this person in this profession include only the correct layout of the goods.
In fact, this employee must regularly analyze the demand for a particular product, monitor the expiration date, and conduct promotional activities. Simply put, a merchandiser should maximize sales.
The store administration prefers to recruit young people under 25 for the position of a merchandiser. This kind of work is suitable for communicative individuals with a creative nature who like to communicate with different people.
Until now, no university in Russia trains certified merchandisers, there are only weekly courses in which the basics of this profession are taught. Firms-employers from a variety of job seekers give preference to those who graduated or are studying at the Faculty of Economics.
What is the work of a merchandiser
The merchandiser does not lay out the goods at its own discretion. He is given a ready-made layout plan, according to which he places the goods on the shelves. But to hide fresher goods deep in the shelf, laying out on display those that have expired - this is what the merchandiser does at his own discretion. But he is obliged to remove expired products from the shelves.
As the laying out, this employee must monitor the presentation of the product, the integrity of the packaging, and ensure order on the shelves.
At the point of sale, where the work of the staff is set perfectly, the employees of this point of sale should do the display of the goods, and the duties of the merchandiser include only control. Also, the merchandiser must control the remains of the goods in the warehouse, the placement of advertising and promotional materials.
How difficult is it
It is difficult for someone to work as a merchandiser, but someone copes with their duties quite easily. This position implies that you will have to spend the whole day on the move, constantly interacting with people and carrying weights.
It is easiest to work as a merchandiser at one point of sale, i.e. stationary. Such an employee is constantly in one place, without traveling. He is engaged in one retail outlet, is well acquainted with the staff of this store, knows the mentality of regular customers. Accordingly, he has a great opportunity to increase sales, which will affect the salary in a positive way.
It is much more difficult to serve multiple outlets. Such a merchandiser is constantly on the road. Serving from 5 to 15 points of sale per day. He may not be able to do a lot, which will certainly negatively affect the amount of his salary.