Hard work is not a quality inherent in all people. A hardworking person experiences pleasure in the labor process and the results of his labor. What about the rest?

Step 1
For the quality performance of labor actions, diligence must be applied. This can take a lot of effort. If you decide to overcome your laziness, take it seriously.
Determine the motive for your work activity. The mood for work depends on motivation. For some it will be a salary, but for others it will be the final result.

Step 2
Think over a plan of action, means, materials for implementation. Break the work process down into stages. This will make all the work easier. At the end of each part, come up with a small reward for yourself (a piece of chocolate, a break, etc.).

Step 3
After completing the entire amount of work, compare the end result with the intended goal. If you did everything right, they will match. This should bring moral satisfaction. It's great if your work is appreciated by other people. This will raise your self-esteem and give you the opportunity to believe in yourself. Take all comments calmly. Criticism helps to see the shortcomings and take them into account in the future.
Step 4
Try to see the advantages in each case. The work that you like is done better.

Step 5
Train yourself to follow through on what you have begun. Over time, this will become a habit and have a positive impact on your work process. Don't let laziness take over you. Having given slack once, you can again find yourself in her power.