Most university graduates want to get a job in their specialty. Job search is often associated with many difficulties and pitfalls, especially if you want to do it not in your country, but, say, in Israel. In this case, it is necessary to follow a certain algorithm, which is confirmed by the experience of specialists.

- - professionally completed work biography;
- - knowledge of Hebrew at the intermediate level;
- - Announcements in the local Israeli media.
Step 1
Work in your specialty outside of Israel for a while. It will be very difficult to get a job in this country if you were not able to try your hand at manufacturing in your direction. Keep in mind that Israel has a lot of great specialists in all spheres and the competition for a place is very tough. The more experience you have under your belt, the more favorable an Israeli employer will be.
Step 2
Learn Hebrew at an intermediate level. Without a national language in Israel - nowhere. You need to hire a tutor or sign up for an accelerated Hebrew course. If you know English it will be much easier for you. But without Hebrew, you are unlikely to be hired for a permanent job with a career opportunity.
Step 3
Receive professional retraining upon arrival in the country. It is very important to acquire skills in your specialty already on the spot, i.e. adapt to the Israeli type of work. Each country has its own characteristics, and you must clearly understand this. Fortunately, now there are many opportunities for this, namely, professional retraining courses. Moreover, while passing them, future employers may notice you.
Step 4
Fill in well the "korot haim" - work biography. Collect only the best references from former employers. Think over every word on your resume. Highlight your professional sides and think about how they can help your future employer.
Step 5
Contact all authorities. Send your CVs to all companies and institutions in Israel. This will greatly increase your chances of getting the coveted position. The law of large numbers works here: the more applications you send, the more answers there will be.
Step 6
Walk on your own to all the Israeli offices that require specialists in the profession. As often as possible, catch the eye of a potential employer. You don't have to come to his office. You can simply attend exhibitions, conferences or lectures on the topic of your profile.
Step 7
Constantly evolve in your direction. There are many scientists from all countries working in Israel, and most of them have an excellent reputation and serious skills. You must meet this level and constantly increase it. Then you will increase your chances of getting a job in this country many times over.